The Circular Economy that is good for environment and creates new jobs

With the advent of the circular economy, green jobs are growing, the result of a paradigm shift in the world of energy and production that is also positively influencing the labor market.

E-Repair is a company active since 2007 that has made Livorno the European center of excellence for the regeneration of industrial electronic products, with a view to the circular economy. The company specifically deals with providing services to manufacturing companies to reduce the times and costs of plant shutdowns, proposing preventive maintenance services, technical intervention at customer plants or remotely, using cutting-edge technological tools, with also with the help of augmented reality.

E-Repair is the only Siemens authorized service partner and within its electronic laboratory, expert technicians carry out the regeneration, or bring back to zero hours, industrial electronic products, such as: PLC, CNC, Operator Panels, Servo-Drives, Inverters, converters, power supplies etc. While, within its own warehouse, it manages the Italian logistics of Siemens spare parts.

In this economic situation determined by the sudden recovery of post-pandemic production activity, by the crisis in chip production due to both the scarcity of raw materials and the slowdown in the supply chain of components arriving from South-East Asia has accentuated even more the gap between the increase in demand for industrial electronic products by Italian manufacturing industries and the limited availability of new products on the market.

In this context, E-Repair, thanks to the circular economy model, recovers discarded products which extend their life through a consolidated method of electronic regeneration, and through partnerships with qualified companies recycles waste and no longer repairable parts to obtain secondary raw materials to be put back on the market.

E-Repair, in addition to having the ISO 9001, ISO 45001 quality certificate for occupational safety, ISO 27001 for cybersecurity, is also ISO 14001 certified for environmental sustainability, in this regard it uses only energy from renewable sources for all its workings.
In recent years, the company has significantly expanded its turnover, creating a real pole of excellence linked to reuse, within which its R&D department is constantly engaged in the study of new repair methodologies, regeneration and testing of electronic products, also collaborating in European Horizon 2020 projects.

With the advent of the circular economy, green jobs are growing, the result of a paradigm shift in the world of energy and production that is also positively influencing the labor market. Currently, the company's workforce, which is constantly growing, consists of about 40 employees who work at the Livorno headquarters divided between the administrative, commercial, laboratories and warehouse departments, while another 3 employees are located at the Turin service point .

“The beauty of the circular economy is that it allows you to create new production processes, previously unimaginable, for discarded and obsolete electronic products, that is now out of production, to lengthen their life cycle and encourage their reuse also in the industrial sector, consequently creating new jobs and new professional figures in a green key” comments Marco Olivieri CEO of E-Repair


Dispose of the used or defective product by replacing it with a working and tested remanufactured. In addition to helping the environment, thanks to the Circular Economy, E-Repair will recognize you the residual value of the product, saving on the purchase of the remanufactured product.
Research and Innovation projects
  • Progetto Horizon 2020 – Digiprime
  • Progetto "E-Repair Digitale e Sostenibile" finanziato nel quadro del POR FESR Toscana 2021 -2027
  • Progetto "ICS 4.0" finanziato dal POR FESR Toscana 2014-2020
  • Progetto “Innovazione E-Repair” finanziato nel quadro del POR FESR Toscana 2014-2020
  • Operazione “E-REPAIR_2021” /Progetto Co-finanziato/Finanziato dal POR FESR Toscana 2014-2020
  • Progetto New E Repair 2015 finanziato nel quadro del POR FESR Toscana 2014-2020