Disaster Recovery: together in the emergency.

Riparazione elettroniche industriali

Maintenance and climate change

In recent years, climate change and its destructive effects are there for all to see. More and more often extreme events such as floods, hailstorms, and tornadoes occur that suddenly create damage to the entire industrial infrastructure, blocking for a long time or even making it impossible to resume production. Meanwhile, the progressive global warming is putting a strain on the systems most sensitive to high temperatures, for which there is a significant increase in explosions and fires on electronic devices.

Climate change has necessarily led to a new paradigm of emergency maintenance.

Disaster recovery

The E-Repair team has developed a new EMERGENCY TECHNICAL INTERVENTION service, called "DISASTER RECOVERY", which through its OPERATIONS CENTRE allows you to urgently intervene on the production plant, in order to RECOVER the ELECTRONIC PARTS that can be restored through specific treatments, developed in our laboratories or repair them to the component.

While, for irreparable industrial electronic products, E-Repair will install remanufactured products containing machine data from the customer's production lines, thanks to the data back-up service carried out previously.


Restart planning strategy

Our expert technicians will be at the customer's side to define the best restart planning strategy, to restore, with the highest priority, the primary plants, or those less damaged or simply those on which there is a greater urgency to restart.

The Disaster Recovery contract service allows, in fact, to activate a whole series of good practices of scheduled maintenance so that in the event of disastrous events, you can be prepared to be able to restart in the shortest possible time.

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Dispose of the used or defective product by replacing it with a working and tested remanufactured. In addition to helping the environment, thanks to the Circular Economy, E-Repair will recognize you the residual value of the product, saving on the purchase of the remanufactured product.
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Research and Innovation projects
  • Progetto Horizon 2020 – Digiprime
  • Progetto "E-Repair Digitale e Sostenibile" finanziato nel quadro del POR FESR Toscana 2021 -2027
  • Progetto "ICS 4.0" finanziato dal POR FESR Toscana 2014-2020
  • Progetto “Innovazione E-Repair” finanziato nel quadro del POR FESR Toscana 2014-2020
  • Operazione “E-REPAIR_2021” /Progetto Co-finanziato/Finanziato dal POR FESR Toscana 2014-2020
  • Progetto New E Repair 2015 finanziato nel quadro del POR FESR Toscana 2014-2020