6SN1146-1AB00-0BA1 - SERVO AZIONAMENTI - SIEMENS Reparieren oder kaufen

6SN1146-1AB00-0BA1 - SIEMENS
Range: Simodrive
Code: 6SN1146-1AB00-0BA1
Avaliability: VERFÜGBAR
Serie: 6SN611
Root: 6SN1146


SIEMENS 6SN1146-1AB00-0BA1 - ***Ersatzteil*** SIMODRIVE 611 Einspeisemodul, 5/10kW ungeregelt int./ext. Entwärmung

E-Repair (www.e-repair.com), der einzige Siemens Approved Partner Service, kann diese Komponente in seinem Labor reparieren, und regenerieren (d. h. auf „Nullstunden“ zurücksetzen). Alternativ bietet E-Repair das Produkt 6SN1146-1AB00-0BA1 als generalüberholte Version mit einer Garantieverlängerung von bis zu 2 Jahren an.
Darüber hinaus bietet E-Repair für das Produkt 6SN1146-1AB00-0BA1 technische Unterstützung vor Ort oder aus der Ferne sowie verschiedene andere Wartungsdienste an. Erfahren Sie mehr über die verfügbaren Optionen.


Schnell- oder Standardlieferung


Schnell- oder Standardlieferung
Kostenlose Produkte

Kostenlose Produkte

kostenlose produkte
Produkte zum Verkauf

Produkte zum Verkauf

Neu oder wiederaufbereitet


Reinigung, Datensicherung
Technische Unterstützung

Technische Unterstützung

Vor Ort und remote
GRÜNE WAHL Finden Sie heraus, wie Sie durch den Verkauf des defekten Produkts Geld sparen können
1 Jahr Garantie inklusive
Weltweite Lieferung
Sichere Zahlung
Produkt getestet
Internes Reparaturlabor
Dedizierter technischer support
Weight 5,8 kg
Height 0 cm
Tiefe 0 cm
Zollinformationen 6SN1146-1AB00-0BA1
Der 6SN1146-1AB00-0BA1-Code ist Teil der PRODUKTGRUPPE 9313, des GRUPPENCODES R2S3 und der PRODUKTKLASSE C: products manufactured / produced to order, which cannot be reused or re-utilised or be returned against credit.
SKU 6SN11461AB000BA1
EAN 4025515019633
UPC 662643069662
Zollcode 85044083
Ausfuhrkontrollbestimmungen (ECCN) ECCN : 9N9999 / AL : N
Einhaltung der RoHs-richtlinien Product is not RoHS-compliant
Reach Art. 33 Pflicht Lead CAS-No. 7439-92-1 > 0, 1 % (w / w) Information obligation imposed by Article 33, REACH Regulation: This product includes one or several articles in which the following substance of the candidate list is contained in concentrations higher than 0,1% weight by weight (w/w): Lead Based on the information currently available, we assume that these substances do not pose any risk if the articles are used as intended (including disposal). Please also refer to product documentation. Cadmium sulphide CAS-No. 1306-23-6 > 0, 1 % (w / w) Information obligation imposed by Article 33, REACH Regulation: This product includes one or several articles in which the following substance of the candidate list is contained in concentrations higher than 0,1% weight by weight (w/w): Cadmium sulphide Based on the information currently available, we assume that these substances do not pose any risk if the articles are used as intended (including disposal). Please also refer to product documentation. Perfluorobutane sulfonic ... > 0, 1 % (w / w) Information obligation imposed by Article 33, REACH Regulation: This product includes one or several articles in which the following substance of the candidate list is contained in concentrations higher than 0,1% weight by weight (w/w): Perfluorobutane sulfonic acid (PFBS) and its salts Based on the information currently available, we assume that these substances do not pose any risk if the articles are used as intended (including disposal). Please also refer to product documentation. Hexahydromethylphtha... CAS-No. 25550-51-0 > 0, 1 % (w / w) Information obligation imposed by Article 33, REACH Regulation: This product includes one or several articles in which the following substance of the candidate list is contained in concentrations higher than 0,1% weight by weight (w/w): Hexahydromethylphthalic anhydride Based on the information currently available, we assume that these substances do not pose any risk if the articles are used as intended (including disposal). Please also refer to product documentation. Cadmium oxide CAS-No. 1306-19-0 > 0, 1 % (w / w) Information obligation imposed by Article 33, REACH Regulation: This product includes one or several articles in which the following substance of the candidate list is contained in concentrations higher than 0,1% weight by weight (w/w): Cadmium oxide Based on the information currently available, we assume that these substances do not pose any risk if the articles are used as intended (including disposal). Please also refer to product documentation. N,N-dimethylformamid... CAS-No. 68-12-2 > 0, 1 % (w / w) Information obligation imposed by Article 33, REACH Regulation: This product includes one or several articles in which the following substance of the candidate list is contained in concentrations higher than 0,1% weight by weight (w/w): N,N-dimethylformamide (DMF) Based on the information currently available, we assume that these substances do not pose any risk if the articles are used as intended (including disposal). Please also refer to product documentation. Ethylenediamine (EDA... CAS-No. 107-15-3 > 0, 1 % (w / w) Information obligation imposed by Article 33, REACH Regulation: This product includes one or several articles in which the following substance of the candidate list is contained in concentrations higher than 0,1% weight by weight (w/w): Ethylenediamine (EDA) Based on the information currently available, we assume that these substances do not pose any risk if the articles are used as intended (including disposal). Please also refer to product documentation.
WEEE-Rücknahmerichtlinie No
Produktschritt 6SN1146-1AB00-0BA1
Siemens hat das Produkt 6SN1146-1AB00-0BA1 seit dem 01.04.2015 für veraltet erklärt, d.h. für nicht mehr produziert.
***Ersatzteil*** SIMODRIVE 611 Einspeisemodul, 5/10kW ungeregelt int./ext. Entwärmung
Der code 6SN1146-1AB00-0BA1 ist ein SERVO FÄHRT der SIMODRIVE family 6SN611 von Siemens. Dieses Gerät ist Teil eines modularen Systems von Industrieantrieben, das entwickelt wurde, um eine hohe Leistung bei der Motorsteuerung in der Automatisierung, Werkzeugmaschinen, Robotik, Massenproduktion, Verpackung, Bearbeitung, Drehen und fortschrittlichen industriellen Anwendungen zu bieten.

  • Werkzeugmaschinen: Fräsmaschinen, Drehmaschinen, Schleifmaschinen.
  • Industrielle Automatisierung: Montagebänder und robotergestützte Systeme.
  • Robotik:: Steuerung von Roboterarmen und Handhabungssystemen.
  • Verpackung und Konfektionierung: Hochgeschwindigkeitsverpackungsmaschinen.

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  • Progetto Horizon 2020 – Digiprime
  • Progetto "E-Repair Digitale e Sostenibile" finanziato nel quadro del POR FESR Toscana 2021 -2027
  • Progetto "ICS 4.0" finanziato dal POR FESR Toscana 2014-2020
  • Progetto “Innovazione E-Repair” finanziato nel quadro del POR FESR Toscana 2014-2020
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  • Progetto New E Repair 2015 finanziato nel quadro del POR FESR Toscana 2014-2020